Cos 2day was a gr8 day. Times like these, frio do cão, then, all I have to say is
go sleep, dear,
it's so nice to do nothing, but staying alive, alive, 'wah wah wah wah, staying alive, staying alive, staying alive, wah wah wah wah staaaaaaaaaying aaaaaaaaaaliiiiiiiiiveeeeeeeee'
Bee Gees Rocks!
Love 'em!
Sabe, ainda bem que sempre temos algo a fazer... Se não tiver, invente!
Like a boss!
Sometimes feels like the sun, always brighting, shining, for some damn reason...
It doesn't matter at all, the music's still playing and I'll be praying for the best from everybody, everything, yeah
so... now I'm going nowhere, gotta go myself to a cliff,
Get readytorolling, find out the best from madness,
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